Do you have enough cash on hand to make an offer on a house without financing? If so, you may still be debating about if you should do it. Making a cash offer means that your liquid assets will immediately go away, but there are a few benefits that come with it that you should consider. Here are 3 reasons to use cash to buy your home.
Your Offer Will Be More Competitive…
When you rent office space, you’ll typically have to sign a lease detailing your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. However, commercial leases are vastly different from the ones used to secure residential spaces. Here are three things you need to know about commercial leases to help you fully understand what you’re signing up for.
There’s No Such Thing as a Standardized Commercial Lease
The first thing to know about commercial leases is they’re not standardized, which means each rental company may use a form specifically developed for them or create a new contract each time they rent to someone.…
When you first begin looking for condos for sale. you will likely be reminded to look for an amazing view. Not only will a view increase your enjoyment of your condo, but it will also help when you want to resell the condo later. However, what most realtors will not warn you about is common condo smells that you should be aware of. The scent of a property can tell you a lot about who lives there, how the property is maintained, and whether it is the right place for you.…